Public exhibition summary report - November 2016 - Tomatin to Moy - A9 Dualling

Transport Scotland is progressing a programme to upgrade the A9 trunk road between Perth and Inverness to dual carriageway standard.

The delivery of the A9 Dualling Northern Section, Dalraddy to Inverness, forms part of this commitment. The northern section is subdivided into two projects for the purposes of design and statutory approvals:

  • Dalraddy to Slochd
  • Tomatin to Moy

As part of these proposals, a public exhibition was held over two days to update interested parties on progress of the Tomatin to Moy project. The aim of the exhibition was to engage with the public and give local communities and road users the opportunity to see and comment on the outcome of the route option assessment work and the preferred option for the Tomatin to Moy dualling project.

The exhibition took place in Strathdearn Village Hall in Tomatin on Monday 14 November 2016 from 3.00pm to 8.00pm and on Tuesday 15 November 2016 from 11:00am to 8.00pm.

The exhibition was well attended and generally well received. This report summarises the scope of the event and the reactions and comments of those who attended.

Published Date 25 Jul 2017 Type Projects Mode of transport