Chapter 3 - Road freight


This chapter provides information about road freight lifted by UK-registered heavy goods vehicles (HGVs: over 3.5 tonnes gross weight), such as the weight of goods lifted in Scotland by origin and destination, the lengths of haul, the destinations within the UK and Europe, and the types of commodity lifted.

Following a methodology change from paper to online data collection, it has been concluded that road goods data before and after July to September 2021 (quarter 3) should not be compared. For more details on the methodology change and results from an investigation, please see Domestic road freight statistics: Methodology note - GOV.UK (

Main Points

Good Lifted and Distance

In 2022, an estimated 140 million tonnes of goods were lifted within Scotland by UK HGVs and transported to destinations within Scotland. About 15 million tonnes of goods from Scotland were delivered to destinations elsewhere in the UK, and around 18 million tonnes were brought into Scotland from elsewhere in the UK. In comparison, the volume of international road freight by UK HGVs travelling to and from Scotland is very small: less than 1 million tonnes in 2022. (Table 3.1a and 3.1b)

Most road freight journeys are 100 kilometres or less in length: 19% of tonnes lifted by road in Scotland in 2022 were carried a distance of no more than 25 kilometres, and 26% travelled over 50 km but no more than 100 km. The average journey distance, which is calculated by dividing the total tonne-kilometres by the total tonnes lifted, was 108 km. (Table 3.2)

Originating in Scotland

Goods moved on journeys originating in Scotland with a destination in Scotland accounted for around 11.5 billion tonne-kilometres in 2022. The overall total, including journeys with destinations elsewhere in the UK and abroad, was around 17.0 billion tonne-kms. (Table 3.3a)

Entering Scotland

In 2022, 18.3 million tonnes of goods entered Scotland on UK HGVs from the rest of the UK. 98% of these came from England. Around 6.9 million tonnes of goods entering came from the North West (38%), Yorkshire and Humber (19%) and North East (15%) regions of England. Fewer goods leave Scotland for other UK countries (15 million tonnes) than enter from them but the proportions going to and coming from different areas are similar (Table 3.6).

In 2022, ‘food products including beverages and tobacco’ was the largest single category of goods lifted in Scotland, which remained in Scotland, accounting for 21.9 million tonnes out of the total of 139.7 million tonnes. (Table 3.4)


In 2022, UK-registered HGVs carried an estimated 300 thousand tonnes of goods from Scotland to countries outwith the UK, and 107 thousand tonnes from foreign countries into Scotland. Of goods leaving Scotland for abroad, carried by UK road hauliers, 63% went to France, 11% to the Germany and 9% went to the Netherlands. (Table 3.7)

In 2022, around 5% of goods leaving the UK lifted by UK HGVs originated in Scotland. (Table 3.5)


Note 1

Following a methodology change from paper to online data collection, it has been concluded that road goods data before and after July to September 2021 (quarter 3) should not be compared. Data is presented as a 12 month figure for the period ending June 2022. More details on the methodology change and results from an investigation.

Note 2

These figures include an element of doublecounting as figures include both the domestic and international legs of the journey.

Note 3

These figures include goods lifted by Northern Irish-based HGVs, so are slightly higher than those appearing in DfT's Road Freight Statisics.

Note 4

GDP figures are available at