Draft principles

Early engagement and consultation

Measures should be put in place to ensure women and girls, including female staff working in the transport sector, are specifically consulted and engaged with on relevant transport issues, to ensure that any developments reflect their needs.

Standardised reporting

Organisations should move to promoting and adopting simple and consistent guidance and sign posting to women and girls to enable a standardised approach to reporting sexual harassment and unwanted behaviour across public transport and transport hubs.

Increase confidence in reporting

Identify and promote mechanisms, which ensure women and girl can feel confident in reporting any instance of behaviour, which make them feel unsafe.

Increase visibility and understanding of support and follow up

Organisations should put measures in place individually and in collaboration with relevant organisations to increase understanding of help and support are available when incidents are reported.

Sector-wide, ongoing training

Creating a sector-wide, ongoing training programme that builds the confidence and resilience in staff to manage and report incidents.

Commit to sharing best practice

Make a commitment to share best practice to create sector and Scotland-wide solutions, therefore identifying further opportunities for collaboration.